False Advertising and Trademark
CASTAYBERT PLLC counsels clients in false advertising and trademark matters. Trademarks are among a company’s most valuable assets. We know how to protect and enforce trademark rights and prevent rivals from falsely advertising competitive products. CASTAYBERT PLLC counsels clients in the creation, maintenance, and enforcement of brands and trademarks. Our practice includes: trademark clearance, counseling and prosecution; challenges before the NAD and NARB; pre-litigation counseling, labeling approvals and advertising-related inquiries by Federal Regulatory Agencies, including the FTC, EPA and FDA.
The firm has the experience to litigate false advertising claims, and has represented both plaintiffs and defendants in a range of litigated trademark matters, from temporary restraining orders, preliminary injunctions, seizure orders and recalls, to full trials on the merits.
To learn more about how CASTAYBERT PLLC can assist you with false advertising and trademark issues, please contact us.