New York Attorney General Issues Guidelines for Non-Compete Agreements

Category: Employment Law

On September 18th, New York Attorney General Barbara D. Underwood, announced a settlement with WeWork Companies that will end their use of overly broad non-compete agreements for nearly all of its employees nationwide. This settlement ends the routine practice of WeWork requiring all levels of employees to sign a contract including a non-compete restriction regardless of job duties, knowledge of confidential information, or compensation.

In addition to the settlement announcement, the Attorney General’s office has also released “Non-Compete Agreements in New York State – Frequently Asked Questions” as a guide for employees to understanding the law on non-competes moving forward.

The guide provides insights concerning:

  • The legality of non-competes in New York State
  • Whether you should or should not sign a non-compete
  • How employers enforce non-competes
  • Your options if you signed a non-compete

A link to the guide can be found here.

Click here for more information on how Castaybert PLLC can assist you in drafting, enforcing, or negotiating your non-compete.

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